Click on the various pics, they link to more information!
Free Info
I believe that everybody should have access to valuable educational information. Not everyone can afford to subscribe or pay for expensive courses. Some people may be struggling and need a boost to help them get to that next level so that they CAN afford higher education.
Instead of being totally EXclusive, I wanted to be at least a little more INclusive and share some of my FREE subscription articles that you may not have known existed. There is always helpful information available if you know where to look, and I want to help you find it.
Were you wondering what kind of info is in my subscription? Besides the paid articles, I also drop in some free articles when I can.
I created a study guide that groups all the articles into the various topics I've covered.
There are 7 topics to study:
1) Free Pandemic Resources
2) General Skin Info
3) Skin Analysis, Ingredients, & Treatments
4) Cell Studies
5) Supplements
6) Nutrition
7) Miscellaneous
In the study guide you will find the direct links to each article categorized into their specific study group. I have listed articles in each group in learning order of how to best understand the subject.